04/05/12 18:58
Sofia Municipality to make a non-cash contribution to the capital of Municipal Bank

At the end of last year, Sofia Municipality gained full control over the management of the bank. Currently, it is the majority owner of Municipal Bank PLC, with a 67.5% stake. According to municipal councillor Orlin Alexiev, who is one of the authors of the proposal, if the municipality increases its share participation in the financial institution by about BGN 10 mln, its stake together with the share of the municipal companies will increase to 77-78%.
Large-scale inspections for the required registration of pet dogs have been ordered by Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova, this became clear at today's session of the Municipal Council.
"The deadline for reducing the population of stray dogs by 95% unitl the year 2016 is realistic. I do not understand why everyone has an active position now but we do not hear additional or more serious proposals when we discuss the issue," commeneted Fandakova. According to her, there should be clearly set criteria for identifying 'aggressive' dogs. "We cannot wait for a dog to bite someone in order to have a proof that it is aggressive. Now, some people are even questioning the aggressive behaviour of the dogs we caught in the Malinova Dolina residential area," said the Mayor. She assessed the idea of moving the residential areas for students to the village of Lozen as attractive but hard to implement.
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Публикувана на 04/05/12 18:58 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/200592_Sofia+Municipality+to+make+a+non-cash+contribution+to+the+capital+of+Municipal+Bank
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