04/09/12 19:35
The new cash registers for buses will not result in a price increase for tickets

I do not expect that the installation of cash registers in buses and the online link to the NRA (National Revenue Agency) system will lead to an increase in the price of tickets, said for Klassa daily Ivaylo Konstantinov, Chairman of the Union of Bus Carriers. According to him, this will have a positive effect for the branch because it will introduce effective monitoring measures. The online connection of the cash registers to NRA's system was supposed to be implemented under the amendments to the Carriage by Road Act. There will be a large investment in the purchase of devices but it will be a one off. Therefore, it is not expected to affect the price of the service, stated for Klassa daily, Galia Topalova, CEO of transport company ETAP Address and Group Plus and Vice-Chairwoman of the National Union of Bus Carriers.
The actual price increase of passenger transport may come as a result of the price hike in fuels, which constitute 50-60% of all budget expenditures. Konstantinov commented that all reserves intended for cost optimisation have already been exhausted. Therefore, price increases may be needed.
Experts expect that the introduction of fiscal devices will limit the grey sector which continues to be large. An increase in the number of passengers is also anticipated and the bulk of the tickets for the Easter holidays on April 12th -13th have already been sold, explained Topalova. According to the branch's estimates, this year, transport growth is expected to reach the level of 2011. "It is still early to give more precise data because passengers react spontaneously and at the last moment," commented Konstantinov.
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Публикувана на 04/09/12 19:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/200879_The+new+cash+registers+for+buses+will+not+result+in+a+price+increase+for+tickets
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