06/14/12 17:34
Parliament repeals in part fracking in shale gas exploration

MPs repealed in part the ban on the use of the technology called Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking) in gas and oil exploration and production. The complete ban was imposed by the decision of Parliament on January 18. The proposal was adopted by the vote of GERB, MRF, the Blue Coalition and two independent members. The MPs from the Attaka party were against and there were also lawmakers from the Coalition for Bulgaria opposing the proposal, as well as abstainers. The ban will apply to the technology of Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking) or each technology with another name, which is related to the pumping of a mixture of liquids, chemical additives and mechanical and/or organic fillers in case of drilling for oil or natural gas, leading to the formation of new or expansion of existing cracks in oil-generating rock formations. The final deadline for the parliamentary Interim Committee to study the best practices in this filed was extended by three months.
The Coalition for Bulgaria demanded that an explicit prohibition be imposed on the exploration and production of shale gas on the territory of Bulgaria. All exploration or mining activities under the controversial technology, as well as the exploration and production of shale gas should stop immediately after the entry into force of the parliamentary decision and the violators should be penalised BGN 100 mln, proposed Petаr Kourоumbashev. His colleague Petаr Dimitrov explained that there are no underground deposits of shale gas, but it comes down to the manufacturing process which involves the insertion of poisonous substances in the subsurface. This is natural gas extracted from shale, which is different from shale gas, stressed the former minister of Economy.
GERB representatives were adamant that the decision is aimed at allowing the yield of conventional gas only, which is currently hampered by the ban.
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Публикувана на 06/14/12 17:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/206871_Parliament+repeals+in+part+fracking+in+shale+gas+exploration
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