06/21/12 18:05
US diplomat: Shale gas will make Bulgaria an energy independent country

"Americans pay a quarter of the gas price that Europeans pay," said Sutton. According to her, decisions related to energy are always risky, but it is diversification that reduces the danger. "It is not per chance that countries select an energy mix, which helps them address their problems," emphasised the diplomat.
“Each project and each request for a mining permission will be considered individually, in accordance with the Bulgarian and European legislation,” assured the participants in the conference Nona Karadzhova, Minister of Environment and Water. "The same will happen with the yield of shale gas when permitted," she added. According to her, revoking the moratorium on the exploration of shale gas is a political not an environmental issue.
“Until July 30, Bulgaria should obtain a permission from the EU for the construction of the interconnector link to Romania,” said Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev. "This means that, in August, we will be able to initiate the construction of the pipeline," he added. The building of the interconnector link with Greece is underway as well.
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Публикувана на 06/21/12 18:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/207385_US+diplomat%3A++Shale+gas+will+make++Bulgaria+an+energy+independent+country
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