07/22/12 15:30

Bulgarians from MHS announce officially their new game

Bulgarians from Masthead Studios (MHS) announced officially their project for a new game – Guns and Robots. That is the second game launched by the company after the massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) Earthrise, which was sold at the beginning of May to Germany's Silent Future Tec GmbH.

The new project will be a competitive online battle between robots, constructed by the players themselves. A permanent rating is expected, as well as options to unlock various achievements.

Robots in the game will be assembled from more than 150 parts, thus receiving a different appearance and technical specifications. In this way, they will be adjusted to the style of play of the various players.

The game will use the “free-to-play” model, so that its basic functions will be free, while profits for the company will be generated by the various “extras” related mainly to the unique outward appearance of robots.

The game's development started as early as February and it is expected to be completed at the end of 2012. Masthead Studious told klassa.bg that they will focus on serious stress tests and only then will an official date for the game's release be specified. Leading Bulgarian competitors in electronic sports competitions are expected to be invited to the initial tests.

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