07/30/12 18:53
The suicide bomber was at Sofia Airpot as well?

On July 10 between 10.40 am and 11.20 am a man with the attacker's physique, clothes and "equipment" was wandering around Sofia Airport, repeatedly going in and out of the same door, without walking to any of the ticket or check-in desks.
Our sources, a married couple, say the man in question made a strong impression on them because of the striking resemblance he bore with an acquaintance of theirs. He had long hair and carried an unclasped bag on his chest, with the flap moving up and down. He carried a large big rucksack and wore bermuda shorts just like the Burgas bomber. The couple is alarmed by the thought they could have become victims of an attack at the metropolitan airport, where they were seeing off a relative travelling to London.
After seeing the Burgas attacker on TV, they went through the flight schedule of Sofia Airport for the day of the suspicious encounter and found out there were several flights from and to Tel Aviv. They now suspect there might have been a failed bomb attack against Israeli tourists at the metropolitan airport too.
This is in line with reports over the last few days that other terrorist acts have been prepared against Jews on Bulgarian territory this year.
Supposedly, there should be footage from the security cameras at Terminal 1.
Klassa.bg is prepared to give the police contact information for our sources, whose only condition is to stay anonymous and meet the investigating officer in person.
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Публикувана на 07/30/12 18:53 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/209450_The+suicide+bomber+was+at+Sofia+Airpot+as+well%3F
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