08/06/12 17:10
Assets worth BGN 8.5 mln seized during the first seven months of 2012

Assets worth BGN 840,000 were seized in favour of the state from Petar Marvakov, who was sued for involvement in a criminal group and for cocaine trafficking from Bolivia in 2003. Marvakov was detained during the “Moonlight” international police operation and was arrested in possession of cocaine mixed with mashed potatoes.
The Supreme Court also confirmed the forfeiture of assets worth BGN 650,000 from Mariyan Zamfirov, who was convicted of fraud against a British citizen. Zamfirov deceived her to transfer money to him in order to buy and furnish a maisonette with a garage for her in Bulgaria.
Another BGN 650,000 were seized in favour of the state from Georgi Bibishkov, who was convicted of illegal arms possession and selling drugs. An apartment, a restaurant with a swimming pool and BGN 64,000 in cash were seized.
The SCC also confirmed the confiscation of assets worth BGN 380,000 from Nikola Nikolov, who was convicted of fraud. His assets include three immovable properties, two cars and the sum of BGN 9,740.
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Публикувана на 08/06/12 17:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/209886_Assets+worth+BGN+8.5+mln+seized+during+the+first+seven+months+of+2012
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