08/12/12 17:05
Prices at the seaside to begin falling
In the last ten days of August, prices of hotels at seaside will begin to fall, tourist industry branch organisations promised. The price decrease is expected to reach 30% and hoteliers want to attract more Bulgarian tourists in this way. Usually, larger discounts are offered as of the beginning of September. Tour operators, however, offer earlier discounts in order to attract vacationers and hoping to extend the season until October, BNT announced. Blagoi Ragin, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, explained that hoteliers would try to extend the season to October 20 this year.Tourism industry representatives believe that this year will be one of the most successful for the sector. At present, this has been confirmed by statistics – overnights of foreigners and Bulgarians at hotels, motels and rest houses as of June registered an over 7% increase, compared to last year. The number of people employed in the industry increases each year because of the growing number of holiday-maker staying at the resorts, Evelin Videnov, Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian Tourist Chamber, told Focus Agency. There are no precise statistics on how many people work in the tourism industry, but around 130,000 are employed at restaurants and hotels alone. Over the last few years, there has been no pay raise in Bulgaria. Therefore, no wage increase in the tourism sector is expected either.
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Публикувана на 08/12/12 17:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/210179_Prices+at+the+seaside+to+begin+falling
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