09/04/12 16:46
Unusual increase in wholesale food prices

The price of perishable meat saw a slight decline, while the prices of rice, mackerel, poultry and minced meat remained unchanged from the previous month. The price of eggs went up by 29% from last August on an annual basis, while that of beans rose by 20%. The prices of sugar, rice, cheese, mackerel and sausages fell by 5%-13% on an annual basis.
The trends observed in the prices of vegetables are not typical for this time of the year, said the Commission. In August, wholesale prices of filed and greenhouse cucumbers were some 30-40% higher and those of field and greenhouse tomatoes – 4-5% higher. The price increase of potatoes was 11% on a monthly basis.
The prices of green peppers registered some 30% decrease from July and grapes prices declined by 43% on average. On an annual basis, the only significant exception from the price increase was garlic. Prices of field and greenhouse tomatoes doubled, increasing by 100%, those of filed and greenhouse cucumbers - by 70%.
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Публикувана на 09/04/12 16:46 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/211457_Unusual+increase+in+wholesale+food+prices
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