02/28/12 16:14
Bulgaria ranks fifth in the world in terms of the drop in residential estate prices

Ireland tops the ranking of the Global Property Guide with an over 18% price decline of residential estate at the end of 2011. Poland, with its capital Warsaw ranks next, with a price decline of about 10.55%. The Greek capital Athens is third. Prices there decreased by 10.43%. Spain is among the top 5 countries, just before Bulgaria, with a price drop of 9.27%. Taiwan (-8.74%), Portugal (-7.78%) and Australia, which participated in the survey with eight cities, (-7.7%) come next. Slovakia and the Netherlands fill the first ten positions with price drops of 6.88% and 5.77%, respectively.
India, and particularly Delhi, is at the other extreme. At the end of last year, an increase in residential estate prices of over 25% was reported there on an annual basis. The Brazilian city Sao Paulo occupies the second place with a price increase of nearly 20%. The capital of Estonia Tallinn ranks third - residential estate prices there increased by 8.36%.
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Публикувана на 02/28/12 16:14 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196762_Bulgaria+ranks+fifth+in+the+world+in+terms+of+the+drop+in+residential+estate+prices
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