09/17/12 16:28
Unprecedented media interest in the State Security archive
Unprecedented media interest in the State Security archive was seen by the Committee on Disclosure of Documents and Announcing the Affiliation of Bulgarian Citizens to the State Security (COMDOS). The regular report by the independent body to the parliament shows that journalists filed 99 applications in the period December 20, 2011 – June 30, 2012. “The media express considerable interest and that is good,” the Committee's Chairman Evtim Kostadinov told klassa.bg.In comparison to the previous six quarters the number of requests for access to the archives by the media has considerably increased. Their number was only 16 in the same period in 2010. In the first half of 2011 they were 37, while in the second half of 2011 they were 51.
Asked whether BSP leader Sergey Stanishev was right that only insane people were interested in the dossiers, Evtim Kostadinov said: “Then all of us are insane.” He admired journalists' interest because if there were no investigations and analyses by the fourth power, the body's operation would be pointless. “It is important to investigate who's who. We have no such powers by law because we will be accused of subjectivity. That is the job of journalists,” he said.
He added that the media had to take efforts in this direction, although this required hard labour and in-depth analyses. “Let's see how the transition was carried out, let's make the connection. Who are the related parties, the stooges? Who became credit millionaires, who was nominated in the Cabinet in power. We should arrange the boxes,” COMDOS Chairman firmly stated.
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Публикувана на 09/17/12 16:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/211874_Unprecedented+media+interest+in+the+State+Security+archive
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