09/18/12 17:15
The secret networks of closed military units still exist

The reason for the legal absurd is an omission in the Classified Information Protection Act. According to the current regulation, automated information systems for processing secret data should be certified, but there is no mechanism that can take away their certificate.
It turns out that since the adoption of this law ten years ago, no computer network can be legally closed down. That applies not only to networks, but also to every single computer used for processing classified information, which is also considered as automated information system pursuant to the law. Now the bureaucratic machine was set in motion and someone remembered to signal about the absurd. Therefore, the Council of Ministers has submitted a project to amend the law by enabling the State Agency for National Security (SANS) to take away the certificates upon closure of the relevant organisation unit. The certificate may also be taken away, if the exploitation of the automated information systems or networks has stopped before the expiration of the certificate term or when the classification level of the information that is processed in the networks is changed or removed.
At present, however, the project is still being considered by commissions of the National Assembly and it is not known when it will be voted on first and second reading.
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Публикувана на 09/18/12 17:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/211971_The+secret+networks+of+closed+military+units+still+exist
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