Sweden: The Saudi Arabia of feminism
„Analogies will never be the same.“
Julian Asange could be many things… but one thing he is not, is a person good with words. Since the start he and his lawyer are talking crap. This one is particularly mindboggling one. I quote:
„I fell into a hornets’ nest of revolutionary feminism.“
„Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism“
My initial reaction to this was laughter and dismay. I can hardly recollect a worse analogy than this. I am just going to state some of the things: Julian Assange is clearly gunning for Joe Francis’ „Douche of the Decade“ title.
Maybe he’s playing a game. It’s called: How Many Ways Can You Say „I raped them because I hate women, now get off my back about it already“ without saying so.
Maybe we are all in error and Saudi Arabian feminism is alive and exemplary; women are fighting male supremacy there – it’s just that media don’t tell us about it because…
And about Sweden… well, I hear that, in Sweden, they don’t let the men drive cars and Swedish men aren’t supposed to leave their houses without permission of their female guardian, and company of a close female relative. If only men weren’t cloistered behind garden walls! It’s truly a horrible existence for men in Sweden.
On the plus side, the government is considering giving men the right to vote. (these comments come from the awesome ladies from Jezebel actually)
So… it is all good then, right?I have no idea why he is doing WikiLeaks (not really) and what his motives are but being such a douchebag is just making me uneasy with anything that he is saying or doing, whatever the subject or the context.
So no… I am not going to STFU about things that bother me or scare me just because some dude thinks these things are not important, just because they don’t affect him, or because he’s never been assaulted (I have been attacked 3 times so far, the first when I was only 8 by someone I thought a friend. I was later threatened not to tell, or else. The funny part was that I realised what really almost happened years later. My problem still is that there are people that think they can do this and that nothing will happen to them or that it is normal or that I shouldn’t be talking or writing abut them, or that I do it, because I am in my period. There are so many women who cry with relief when their period comes. Because it means they are not pregnant by their rapist. But… whatever.).
Nobody should tell you what is important for you and what are the things you are allowed to comment and how to comment them.
So there…
Happy New Year to all of us.
Filed under: аз/Еneya, бръмчащи мисли, политическaта отговорност Tagged: assange, feminism, laws, rape, rights, sweden

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