11/06/12 16:10
Bulgarian vodka surpasses world brands in a competition of The Spirits Business
FLIRT vodka won another prize at The Spirits Masters as well - a gold medal in the category "Packaging Design". The design of our vodka's bottle was judged higher than those of Danzka Vodka and even than the newly-launched luxury Finlandia Platinum, which received the silver medal in the competition. The value of the award is further proven by the fact that, in the whiskey category, drinks such as an 18-year Cutty Sark and the limited edition Highland Park won the first prize. It is not per chance that the design was recognised because, last year, VINPROM PESHTERA SA redesigned its vodka together with JustBlue - one of the most popular product design agencies in Europe. The new design of the bottle impresses with elegance, clean lines and creates a feeling of a classy product with crystal clarity.
Technologically speaking, FLIRT vodka is produced by one of the most advanced technologies in Europe for distilling of grain alcohol from selected wheat. The speed of mixing the ingredients can be compared to water falling from a 17-metre high waterfall. Uncompromising quality control of ingredients and multi-stage cascade processing ensure an excellent end product, proven by the prestigious awards from The Spirits Business.
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Публикувана на 11/06/12 16:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/215104_Bulgarian+vodka+surpasses+world+brands+in+a+competition+of+The+Spirits+Business
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