03/13/12 18:26
Plevneliev: Bulgaria is in a period of elections, political battles are under way

"The President is not part of the political battles, so I'll be the last to comment on the issue "Parvanov against Stanishev "or" Parvanov against Borissov," said Plevneliev, highlighting the political independence of the presidential institution.
According to him, it is good that there is political confrontation, "because that's part of democracy"
"It is important for the State to make efforts for the implementation of fair and normal rules of the game, which we hope to see hereafter," said Plevneliev.
The President commented on the high fuel prices. "You may get sick and tired of this, but I will continue repeating it - energy efficiency, energy liberalisation, and will push for adequate measures on the part of Parliament and the executive power," said the President.
“Starting the construction of the gas connections with Greece and Romania, which will end our dependence on a monopoly will be a crucial step in this direction,” said Plevneliev. According to him, it must happen this year.
The Head of State did not forget to mention the problems in the healthcare sector. According to Plevneliev, the introduction of electronic health cards and the start of the reforms in Emergency Aid are the main priorities there.
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Публикувана на 03/13/12 18:26 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/198206_Plevneliev%3A+Bulgaria+is+in+a+period+of+elections%2C+political+battles+are+under+way
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