11/06/12 16:15
Turkey to build a thermal power plant, not a NPP near Rezovo
"At the moment, there are only private investment plans for the construction of a thermal power plant and the private construction company is exploring the area near the border with Bulgaria," stated Konstantin Grebenarov, citing information obtained after his request to the Turkish consulate.
According to Petko Kovachev of the Green Party, however, even the very construction of a thermal power plant in the region near the Bulgarian frontier "will cause environmental problems."
"Bulgaria needs to mobilise all institutions in order to be ready for this process. I am not willing to underestimate this danger because Turkey has already announced that it will build three nuclear power plants," said Petko Kovachev for BNR.
European MP Andrey Kovachev will submit again written questions to EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger and Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule, GERB (Bourgas) announced.
He will request a meeting with Turkish Minister for EU Egemen Bagis in the shortest possible time.
"Our response should be very sharp if Turkey is going to build a nuclear power plant near the border with our country without the knowledge of Bulgaria and the European Commission," commented Andrey Kovachev.
The European MP said that there is still no official position on the part of Turkey and, according to him, it is not surprising that Bulgaria has not been informed what will be built in the border area.
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Публикувана на 11/06/12 16:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/215105_Turkey+to+build+a+thermal+power+plant%2C+not+a+NPP+near+Rezovo
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