11/25/12 15:42
We buy products made in Bulgaria because of their high quality

Despite the entry of a great variety of foreign brands, shops and the availability of all kinds of products on the market, Bulgarians attribute particular importance to goods produced in the country.
Leaving aside home-produced food products, which are understandably bought by 98% of Bulgarian citizens, a significant percentage of Bulgarians buy other products produced in Bulgaria as well. Such products include garments and clothing. Although the Bulgarian market offers a huge selection of all kinds of overseas production of garments, over half (51%) of the respondents in the survey said they have bought at least one piece of clothing produced in Bulgaria in the past 12 months.
Bulgarians' attitude towards pharmaceutical products - medicines, nutritional supplements, vitamins, etc. is similar. Half of the adult population of Bulgaria has indirectly supported the Bulgarian economy through their choice of goods produced by Bulgarian enterprises.
About a quarter of adult Bulgarians have bought Bulgarian cosmetics.
As to the reasons why Bulgarians buy home-produced goods, the most common reason is quality. According to 39% of Bulgarian citizens, the products produced by Bulgarian enterprises are competitive and of good quality. The quality of Bulgarian goods is most appreciated by Bulgarians between 26 and 40 years of age and residents of regional centres.
The second most important reason for our compatriots to choose Bulgarian goods are the competitive prices, compared to those of imported products. Some 22% of Bulgarians say that price is the main reason for buying Bulgarian products. Price is a leading factor in the choice of home-produces goods mainly for Bulgarians between 18 and 25 years of age and those over 55 years of age and the unemployed.
The desire to help Bulgarian producers through buying Bulgarian products is mentioned as a reason by 18% of Bulgarian citizens who have bought at least one Bulgarian product. Patriotism in terms of shopping is more often manifested among Bulgarians between 26 and 55 years of age, residents of the capital city, and those who have their own business.
Just over one in ten Bulgarians (14%) choose Bulgarian products because they consider them more affordable and easier to find than imported ones.
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Публикувана на 11/25/12 15:42 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/216935_We+buy+products+made+in+Bulgaria+because+of+their+high+quality
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