12/02/12 16:14
One in ten Bulgarians plan to go to the mountains this winter
Visits to mountains in the winter months of the year remained without significant change, compared to the winter of 2009-2010. The survey then showed that 15% of Bulgarian citizens went to the mountains for hiking, winter sports or any other type of tourism. Today, nearly 12% of adults say they plan to enjoy a visit to the countryside during the coming winter.
A significant percentage of respondents (70%) say they definitely have no intentions of going to the mountains this winter.
The good news is that the percentage among the youngest adult Bulgarians planning some form of mountain tourism (18-25 years of age) is significantly higher than the average for the population as a whole. A quarter of this group's representatives have plans to go for a walk, hike or winter sports in the winter of 2012-2013.
The Rhodope Mountains seems to be the most popular destination for winter recreation, tourism or sports among Bulgarian citizens for the coming winter. Just over a third of respondents who said they would go to the mountains in the coming months, said they would most likely visit the Rhodopes. A possible reason - the Rhodopes offer exceptional beauty and facilities for various types of tourism, including skiing and snowboarding, but at a more affordable prices than other more popular resorts such as Bansko and Borovets.
About a quarter of those who plan a winter trip, a vacation or just a walk will choose Rila. The percentage of people preferring Vitosha is similar - logically, the majority of Vitosha visitors come mainly from the capital city.
The main activities to be practiced by Bulgarians who have decided to go to the mountains in the winter are hiking and recreation, as well as winter sports - skiing and snowboarding. About 38% of those who plan to visit one of our mountains prefer more relaxed activities such as going for a walk, outing or picnicking. Some 36% of tourists are more active and willing to do sports - they will go skiing or snowboarding.
Another 17% of respondents who intend to go to the mountains in the coming months will prefer hiking.
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Публикувана на 12/02/12 16:14 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/217545_One+in+ten+Bulgarians+plan+to+go+to+the+mountains+this+winter
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