03/22/12 20:00
Bulgarian President to assign tasks to Parliament

Within two weeks, with a special address to the National Assembly (NA), the President Rosen Plevneliev will assign tasks to the Bulgarian parties under the strategy Bulgaria 2020. This became clear yesterday after Plevneliev's last meeting relating to his initiative "A Month of Political Consultations". It was held under the leadership of the Ataka party chaired by its nationalist leader Volen Siderov.
In order not to abstain from delivering a general address and to prove himself a "pragmatic President, Plevneliev will propose as to when, how and who will implement the specific measures set by him. At the year's end, the Head of the State promised to deliver a second speech to the National Assembly, thus presenting a summary on the progress on national priorities.
Asked whether he will also meet with the leadership of OLJ party (Order, Law, Justice), despite the fact that it has no parliamentary group, the President answered that the "Month of Political Consultations" is over. Within the initiative, the Presidency located at 2 Dondukov Blvd. was visited consecutively by the leaders of the Blue coalition, BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party), MRF (Movement for Rights and Freedom), GERB (Citizens for European Development party) and the Ataka party.
Besides, Ataka representatives demand that amendments are introduced to the Electoral Code, which is "a sore topic". Volen Siderov confirmed his thesis that Plevneliev was elected by political fraud and abuse, which does not mean that the party cannot communicate with him.
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Публикувана на 03/22/12 20:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199152_Bulgarian+President+to+assign+tasks+to+Parliament
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