12/04/12 16:31
M. Andonov: We are currently complying with the EC's requirements
The letter from the EC specifies no practical example. The initiation of proceedings does not mean that a violation has been discovered, but that the case is tried as a priority. We are currently implementing the requirements of the EC and we are dividing NEC and the Electricity System Operator. The separation of the two companies will be completed in February-March 2013. In a statement from Tuesday morning, the Holding says: "Since June this year, BEH and its subsidiaries have taken all necessary action to enforce the requirements of the Third Energy Liberalisation Package in their work. BEH's subsidiaries, Kozloduy NPP, TPP Maritsa East 2 and NEC drafted rules for the implementation of procedures for the sale of wholesale electricity. These rules are posted on the websites of the companies. All procedures which have been carried out by companies, so far, are in full compliance with and following the rules of trade. The Holding expects that the division of NEC and ESO, as well as the open procedures for electricity trade announced by our companies, in practice will implement the Third Energy Package's liberalisation procedures. After the division of NEC Ltd. and ESO Ltd., all contracts for the production and supply of energy to the market will be reviewed in the spirit of the liberalisation requirements of the Third Energy Package. The new rules for natural gas transfer by Bulgartransgaz announced last week are also an element of the implemented market transparency.
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Публикувана на 12/04/12 16:31 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/217778_M.+Andonov%3A+We+are+currently+complying+with+the+EC%27s+requirements
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