12/11/12 16:44
Bulgaria will not back a date for Macedonia to start negotiations with the EU
President Rosen Plevneliev and PM Boyko Borissov discussed Bulgaria’s position on setting a date for Macedonia to start EU-accession negotiations, announced the press office of the Head of State. The topic will be the focus of the forthcoming session of the European Council in Brussels on Thursday. Bulgaria will be among the countries that will not specify a date for starting negotiations with our southwestern neighbour. President Plevneliev and PM Borissov are adamant that our country supports the European perspective of the Republic of Macedonia, but Bulgaria’s support is not unconditional and depends on its fulfilment of EU-membership criteria, including good neighbourly relations as a priority.According to the President and the Prime Minister, the prospect of Macedonia’s EU membership will be unlocked via real actions for strengthening the good neighbourly relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia rather than via propaganda and PR campaigns. In order to make progress in this direction, Bulgaria has offered Macedonia to sign a contract of good neighbourly relations, friendship and cooperation on the principles of the Declaration of 1999, reach an agreement for jointly celebrating prominent personalities and events in our common history, and terminate the anti-Bulgarian campaign and substitution of historical facts.
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Публикувана на 12/11/12 16:44 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/218450_Bulgaria+will+not+back+a+date+for+Macedonia+to+start+negotiations+with+the+EU
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