03/18/11 19:56
Bulgaria will not take part in direct military actions against Libya

Bulgaria will not engage in direct military action in Libya, stated Bulgarian Foreign Minister, Nikolay Mladenov. Our country welcomes Resolution 1973 of the Security Council of the United Nations which is aimed at putting an end to violence in Libya. Bulgaria's top priority will be dealing with the humanitarian situation in the country and a ceasefire to be agreed upon between Colonel Gaddafi and the rebel forces in Benghazi. Bulgaria will be involved in all peace-keeping initiatives not only under the mandate of UN Security Council, but also in those agreed within NATO and the EU, added Mladenov.
On Thursday night, the UN Security Council voted 10 to 0 in favor of the Resolution, while five countries Germany, Russia, China, India and Brazil abstained. Meanwhile, France warned that air strikes for the protection of Libyan civilians from attacks by pro-government forces will start within a few hours. British Prime Minister, David Cameron, informed the House of Commons that London will play its part in the military operation in Libya. The Spokesman of the French Government, Francois Baron, stated on RTL Radio that military actions were not aimed at 'taking over Libyan territory' but are targeted at "the protection of the Libyan people, allowing it to follow a path to freedom, which means overthrowing Gaddafi''.
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Публикувана на 03/18/11 19:56 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/162655_Bulgaria+will+not+take+part+in+direct+military+actions+against+Libya
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