12/16/12 17:55
BSP takes a stand against amendments to the Social Security Act

The proposed changes will make it possible for services, previously paid for by the Health Ministry, to be financed from the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). This means that the money for mandatory vaccinations, monitoring of the mentally diseased, people with venereal diseases, intensive care and assisted reproduction will be provided from the social security contributions of working Bulgarians, Manolova added. These services are being shifted from the state to its citizens, she said.
In the future, if the proposal is approved, all services outside the agreed financial framework can be subsequently added to it only after a decision by the Supervisory Board of the NHIF. This will limit the access of people without social security to the services. BSP is against this approach since it amounts to discrimination against Bulgarian citizens.
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Публикувана на 12/16/12 17:55 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/219064_BSP+takes+a+stand+against+amendments+to+the+Social+Security+Act
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