12/16/12 15:59
Kuneva supports BMA on its refusal to sign the National Framework Agreement

"Not only has Borissov's Government not kept any of its campaign promises, but in its impotence to find resources, it is constantly "stealing from people's health" by syphoning off the National Health Insurance Fund. Borissov's management not only disregards the BMA, but it is constantly struggling to justify its failed policy in the sector with representatives of the healthcare community," explained the party.
The text of the Movement Bulgaria for Citizens listed five points in their reasons for supporting the Medical Association on refusing to sign the Framework Agreement. Their arguments include burdening NHIF's budget with all existing obligations of the State; the permission for uncontrolled development of new private "hospitals" without increasing NHIF's capital; obvious impotence in terms of health insurance collection - the number of uninsured is 1.6 million, as well as the lack of real resources and a consistent policy in health care.
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Публикувана на 12/16/12 15:59 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/219052_Kuneva+supports+BMA+on+its+refusal+to+sign+the+National+Framework+Agreement
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