01/03/13 15:59
Financier Emil Harsev: This year will be like the previous one

“In Bulgaria, there was a real crisis in 2009, but the people had a lot of savings then because the years 2002-2008 were very good,” municipal councillor Vladimir Karolev said in turn. “When you have considerable savings, even if you lose your job, you say it is temporary and you live on your saved money. Meanwhile, there has been a slight economic growth since 2010, but it has been so insignificant that it cannot be felt. We actually have both economic growth and an increase in the unemployment rate due to inefficient production sectors,” explained Karolev. According to him, despite the growth in incomes at the macro level, the rate of unemployment is high. “Things do not look so bad on the whole, especially when compared to the other countries in the region and in Europe. But the people who have lost their jobs over the last three years do not feel very well. Karolev predicted that Bulgaria “will always be dependent on its international trade partners, like any other small country”.
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Публикувана на 01/03/13 15:59 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220540_Financier+Emil+Harsev%3A+This+year+will+be+like+the+previous+one
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