12/07/11 18:10
Financiers: Save in the same currency that you spend

It will be more profitable for Bulgarians to keep their savings in levas since they also get their earnings in this currency. This is the common position of financiers Emil Harsev and Vladimir Karolev as well as the banker Levon Hampartzoumian as stated on bTV. The deposits in Euro will not devaluate sharply since the single currency will survive in any case, they also claimed. According to Harsev, it is even physically impossible for the Euro to cease to exist. A rescue plan will be rather drafted that would allow for moderate money printing and moderate inflation of up to 10%. Karolev, in his turn, supported the opinion of Sarkozy and Merkel, that the actual time for unveiling the truth about the economic reality has come for Europeans. He also addressed the southern countries with the statement that they must work more or rest less in order to accumulate greater profits. It is not possible to receive a 16th salary in Greece, have pensions like those in Germany and to retire early - thi is not a sustainable system. He also added that the Bulgarian performance was 40% lower than the average for the Euro area, but nevertheless our country has many advantages in certain sectors since nowhere in Europe, the military and police officers retire at the age of 45 years.
All three experts gave as an example the conference of the world's largest financiers, who were adamant that the Euro will survive. The probability of this to fail was estimated at 10-15%. That is, it was planned for the Euro to be rescued at any cost. This is the only reasonable option, our experts agree.
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Публикувана на 12/07/11 18:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/189146_Financiers%3A+Save+in+the+same+currency+that+you+spend
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