01/06/13 15:40
Kristian Vigenin: GERB will be in opposition in the 42nd Parliament
- Parliament will certainly be colourful, but not too much. There will hardly be more than four parties - at least things look like this at the moment. Regardless of the election results, GERB will be in opposition in the 42nd Parliament. BSP is mobilised and, in my opinion, it will be the first political force.
- What are the options for the formation of the Cabinet?
- Either a broad coalition government, or an expert one, supported by a wide range of political forces that are now in opposition. In both cases - without GERB's participation. There is no option for BSP to participate in the Government with GERB. I think that there is a chance that BSP will achieve a convincing election result, thanks to which it will have a significant impact on the next Government.
- Did you inform European institutions about the forthcoming changes in the Electoral Code in Bulgaria?
- We have informed the Group of Socialists and Democrats about the scandalous changes initiated by GERB. Under the initiative of Bulgarian MEPs, a working group on electoral law will be established with a main task of monitoring both the elections and election legislation. The elections in Bulgaria will be the first that this working group will tackle. After the adoption of the changes in the Electoral Code in the country, we will hold hearings in the European Parliament on the subject.
- How will the results of the future referendum affect the development of nuclear energy in our country?
- The Government made a joke of the will of more than 700,000 Bulgarian citizens and changed the referendum question. However, BSP called for an answer "Yes" because, for us, this answer means a new nuclear power plant in Belene. Until yesterday, GERB declared that they will also answer "Yes", since for some of them this meant the Belene NPP, while for others - a new reactor at the Kozloduy NPP. Now, we are witnessing a new loop, since Borissov said that GERB will call for an answer "No". But we should know that an answer "No" excludes any new nuclear facilities. Every day, Borissov and GERB prove their failure and inadequacy, and they should be ignored as a political factor in this referendum. Citizens must show foresight and say "Yes" to the Belene NPP. And even if the threshold for participation required by law is not reached, a solid support will allow the next Government to refer to the results of the referendum and restart the Belene project.
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Публикувана на 01/06/13 15:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220760_Kristian+Vigenin%3A+GERB+will+be+in+opposition+in+the+42nd+Parliament
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