01/08/13 16:55
Ivan Angelov, Head of Gradus: National subsidies are crucial for the development of the poultry-farming sector
- Yes, I expect that this year will be better for producers of chicken meat. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that national subsidies are granted, certified by the EC - not only for poultry-farming, but for pig-breeding, too. I think that almost all pig and poultry breeders will feel the impact of this subsidy - both small and large producers. Such subsidies can be received by all poultry farmers and pig breeders who meet European requirements for humane animal breeding, no matter how big their farms are. National subsidies are granted per number of hens, broilers, ducks, etc.
This is a great impetus to promote meat production, especially in times of crisis, because producers of poultry and pork meat will be able to make their calculations well and include the aid from the state in their own revenues.
- Could you briefly comment on the new regulations concerning the quality of poultry meat for consumption?
- As of January 21, 2013, the regulation on the suspension of the "injection" of whole chickens and chicken cuts with water will enter into force. This will boost the development of the industry, since, currently, a large percentage of chicken meat on the market is "injected" with water, which amounts to 30%-40%, even 50% of chicken and chicken cuts' weight. Thus, in practice, people pay more, and not to mention that, along with water, substances such as nitrates and coagulators that are harmful to human health are put into the meat. I think the ordinance is worded very clearly and accurately and it is hard to be violated. Once the overall quality of chicken products is improved, it is highly likely that consumption will increase, too.
- Will chicken meat prices rise following the improvement of its quality?
- There will definitely be no increase in poultry prices, especially bearing in mind national subsidies. A certain decrease is even likely, as of the spring, when heating costs for poultry farms will no longer burden farmers. When "injection" of chicken meat with water ceases, it is highly likely that consumption will increase as well, which may also be a prerequisite for a slight decrease in prices. In my opinion, seemingly cheap chicken products, filled with water, that mislead customers and harm their health will disappear from the stores.
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Публикувана на 01/08/13 16:55 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220981_Ivan+Angelov%2C+Head+of+Gradus%3A+National+subsidies+are+crucial+for+the+development+of+the+poultry-farming+sector
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