01/17/13 17:09
BIA: The administration should be held accountable rather than changing the law

The owners and concessionaires of real estate, directly affected by the provisions of the detailed spatial plans, are interested in the realisation of their property rights, while in most cases, environmental NGOs do not have such rights.
The rights of the public, including those of the affected community and NGOs engaged in activities in the public interest regarding environmental issues, such as protected areas or protected areas under the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) are stipulated in this law and are implemented during the procedures for conducting environmental assessment under the Environmental Protection Act.
Instead of making unjustified legislative changes, further worsening the business environment and the investment climate, adequate and full administrative and criminal responsibility should be sought in such cases.
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Публикувана на 01/17/13 17:09 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/221844_BIA%3A+The+administration+should+be+held+accountable+rather+than+changing+the+law
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