02/13/13 17:06
Bulgaria to be promoted as an investment destination project in a month's time
“In March, the Government will launch via the Western media a grand advertising campaign of Bulgaria as a good place for investment,” Borislav Stefanov, Executive Director of InvestBulgaria Agency (BIA) said, cited by BTA. Advertising space has already been purchased in prestigious publications such as The Economist, Financial Times, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal, as well as their websites and two television channels. The advertising campaign will last three months.According to Stefanov, the print ads will focus on the advantages of our country as an investment destination and on certain industries such as machine-building, electronics, electrical engineering, food industry, outsourcing, etc.
“The ads will have a unified vision, consisting of a key fact illustrated by graphic messages. The ads are to be approved by nearly 100 people - economists, businessmen, professionals in advertising and marketing.
There will be no photos of places or people, company names will not be mentioned unless they are doing, in Bulgaria, something very specific for a particular industry,” said Borislav Stefanov.
A total of BGN 16 mln has been earmarked for the advertising and marketing programme, including BGN 4-5 mln for the country’s image campaign abroad. InvestBulgaria Agency has estimated the expanses for a comprehensive advertising campaign abroad at between BGN 5-10 mln.
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Публикувана на 02/13/13 17:06 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224197_Bulgaria+to+be+promoted+as+an+investment+destination+project+in+a+month%27s+time
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