02/13/13 17:06
Bulgaria to be promoted as an investment destination project in a month's time

According to Stefanov, the print ads will focus on the advantages of our country as an investment destination and on certain industries such as machine-building, electronics, electrical engineering, food industry, outsourcing, etc.
“The ads will have a unified vision, consisting of a key fact illustrated by graphic messages. The ads are to be approved by nearly 100 people - economists, businessmen, professionals in advertising and marketing.
There will be no photos of places or people, company names will not be mentioned unless they are doing, in Bulgaria, something very specific for a particular industry,” said Borislav Stefanov.
A total of BGN 16 mln has been earmarked for the advertising and marketing programme, including BGN 4-5 mln for the country’s image campaign abroad. InvestBulgaria Agency has estimated the expanses for a comprehensive advertising campaign abroad at between BGN 5-10 mln.
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Публикувана на 02/13/13 17:06 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224197_Bulgaria+to+be+promoted+as+an+investment+destination+project+in+a+month%27s+time
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