11/20/12 15:12
More than 150 Chinese companies participate in the forum Invest in Bulgaria in Shanghai
More than 150 Chinese companies took part in the forum Invest in Bulgaria in Shanghai. Economy Minister Delian Dobrev introduced our country as an investment and tourist destination. Minister Dobrev and Vice Chairman of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce Wang Xinpei also signed a memorandum on economic cooperation. China is Bulgaria's largest trading partner in Asia. Last year, trade between the two countries amounted to $4.7 bn, as Bulgaria's exports increased by 22%, compared to 2010.Bulgaria is an example of financial stability after the crisis, Delian Dobrev said. He emphasised that the Bulgarian economy is maintaining its growth despite the financial and economic difficulties in Europe and worldwide. According to him, financial indicators are remarkable not only for the region, but for the whole of Europe. Minister Dobrev presented the advantages of Bulgaria as an investment destination and invited the Chinese companies to invest in the country. A strategic geographic location, a 10% income tax, a 10% flat tax, the cheapest skilled labour in Europe, visa-free transit to countries outside the EU, etc. were highlighted as part of the main advantages of the country in attracting more investments. Minister Dobrev also informed the representatives of Chinese businesses about Bulgaria's attractiveness as a tourist destination.
Before the forum, Minister Dobrev and Vice Chairman of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce Wang Xinpei signed a memorandum on economic cooperation between MEET and the Commission.
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Публикувана на 11/20/12 15:12 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/216585_More+than+150+Chinese+companies+participate+in+the+forum+Invest+in+Bulgaria+in+Shanghai
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