03/06/11 18:42
Bulgaria may become a luxury hunting destination

Margarita Dimitrova
Although Bulgaria is a small country it is a magnet for wealthy hunters because its nature is well preserved and high quality game can be shot in its forests. This is the opinion shared by the most ardent hunters who did not miss this year’s largest hunting and fishing exhibition in Spanish speaking countries, entitled “El Salón de Cazadores, Venatoria”, held March 3 to 5 in Madrid. Bulgaria participated with a massive advertising campaign and its motto was “Catch a trophy!”
For the first time our country was a partner in the event and the Bulgarian Minister of Agriculture Miroslav Naydenov had the honour of cutting the ribbon. According to him, our country’s varied nature, unique hunting base and the abundance of big and small game with uncontested trophy qualities rank Bulgaria as one of the leading hunting destinations.
“The participants in the exhibition received at least 100 applications for hunting,” said PM Boyko Borissov after viewing the exhibition accompanied by Bulgaria’s football legend Hristo Stoichkov, Miroslav Naydenov and Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traicho Traikov. “A foreign hunter leaves €10,000 on average during a stay in our country. This is a pretty good sum of money that goes to the people who invest a lot in order to have game,” said PM Borissov.
According to data of the Executive Agency on Forests, some 3,992 hunters, out of which 3,716 Bulgarian citizens practised organised hunting tourism in our country last year and the proceeds of the state-run hunting reserves totaled €2,049,389.
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Публикувана на 03/06/11 18:42 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/161225_Bulgaria+may+become+a+luxury+hunting+destination
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