02/13/13 17:04
The Netherlands admit that we are ready for Schengen
According to Fred Teeven, what should be done in the forthcoming days includes consultations between the rest of the countries in Northwest Europe because March 7 is very near and we have to act.
"The Netherlands definitely considers Bulgaria as a partner that gives an impression of security and safety. The cooperation with Bulgaria is better than good," added Teeven.
The draft decision for Bulgaria and Romania's accession to the Schengen area will be discussed by the Council of Ministers of the Interior on March 7, according to the preliminary programme for the first half of 2013, provided by the rotating presidency, held now by Ireland. The compromise draft project for a gradual accession - first by sea and air borders, and later by land borders - will be discussed again.
Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov also had a meeting with Europol's Director Rob Wainwright.
Our mutual work is an example of a successful cooperation, the Director of the European Agency said during his meeting with Minister Tsvetanov, the Press Centre of the Interior Ministry announced.
The results achieved are a sign of increased confidence in the ability and capacity of Bulgarian law enforcement authorities to effectively participate in the joint efforts of Member States and Europol in the fight against serious and organised crime and terrorism, Tsvetanov said in turn.
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Публикувана на 02/13/13 17:04 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224196_The+Netherlands+admit+that+we+are+ready+for+Schengen
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