05/30/12 18:34
Parliament fails to achieve consensus on the urgent repairs of dangerous bridges and viaducts

Deputy Chairman of Coalition for Bulgaria Angel Naidenov said in response that they, unlike the MPs from GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria), have had the courage to admit that the State had reacted relatively quickly and appropriately after the earthquake on May 22.
Tsvetanov, however, continued to assault the BSP, passing onto personal attacks against Anton Kutev and Naidenov. According to the Minister of Interior, Kutev jeered at the citizens of Pernik on Facebook, while Naidenov had visited his constituency only twice for half an hour, which was normal, given his honeymoon with his darling from the Parliamentary Group (PG) of BSP, (referring to the relationship between Naidenov and Maya Manolova).
In response to the heavy insults against him, Angel Naidenov stated that the Government had not addressed properly the situation after the disaster in Pernik, refuting the statement which he made a few minutes earlier.
The attacks of Tsvetanov forced BSP's leaders to call a press conference, where the head of the party Sergei Stanishev announced that they refused to enter in agreement with GERB for the urgent repair of the bridges and viaducts on the Hemus and Trakia highways. Previously, the Socialists were ready to negotiate, given that Prime Minister Boyko Borissov had phoned Stanishev several times in order to ask for support. According to the BSP leader, however, a consensus would be possible only after Tsvetanov apologises to the BSP.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chair of the PG of GERB Iskra Fidosova stated in the National Assembly that negotiations were underway on a common declaration of all Parliamentary Groups.
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Публикувана на 05/30/12 18:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/205386_Parliament+fails+to+achieve+consensus+on+the+urgent+repairs+of+dangerous+bridges+and+viaducts
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