06/25/16 07:04
Defence Minister: Our expectations for the meeting in Warsaw are associated with better coordination and adaptation of NATO in the changed security environment

“During the meeting of the Council of Ministers were approved the framework positions that will be raised and expressed during the meeting in Warsaw. Our expectations are associated with better coordination of the allies in the Alliance, with closer cooperation with the EU, with the adaptation of NATO in the strongly altered security environment," Minister Nenchev said.
FOCUS News Agency recalls: The NATO summit will be held on July 8 and 9 in Poland. Since 1949 until now were held 26 NATO summits, and the latter took place on September 4 and 5, 2014 in the UK.
During the meeting in Warsaw will be discussed the progress on implementation of the Wales decisions, the Ukrainian crisis, NATO-Russia relations and cooperation between NATO and the EU. It is expected to be taken strategic decisions regarding the strengthening of collective defence, and identifying measures to strengthen the defence capabilities of the Alliance. The meeting will be focused on the topics of NATO enlargement and the development of partnerships of the Alliance.
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