07/24/16 08:27
Professor Boyan Durankev: Bulgaria remains with traditionally low growth, budget deficit, which does not guarantee long-term success for the economy

This is what economist Boyan Durankev said speaking for Radio FOCUS, commenting on the latest prognoses of Fitch rating agency about Bulgaria.
“Fitch expects an economic growth of about 2.5% for Bulgaria in 2016, which is considered low according to all models,” Mr Durankev said further.
According to him, there are 5 major factors that distance Bulgaria from the average EU level.
“In the first place, this is the decrease of the population, especially of the economically active population, over natural and migration reasons. Big part of the Bulgarians is refugees.
In the second place we have a decrease of the educational and cultural level of the young Bulgarians, both in terms of quantity and quality,” Professor Durankev explained.
The third reason he outlined is the continuing privatisation of the public assets.
“All these factors mean that the state will get weaker,” the expert remarked.
“The fourth factor is the fact that the concentration of the wealth and of the growth is within about 1% of the population,” the economist said further.
“The fifth factor is the low economic growth,” Professor Durankev pointed out.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/270337_Professor+Boyan+Durankev%3A+Bulgaria+remains+with+traditionally+low+growth%2C+budget+deficit%2C+which+does+not+guarantee+long-term+success+for+the+economy
Публикувана на 07/24/16 08:27 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/270337_Professor+Boyan+Durankev%3A+Bulgaria+remains+with+traditionally+low+growth%2C+budget+deficit%2C+which+does+not+guarantee+long-term+success+for+the+economy
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