08/07/16 07:07
General Kircho Kirov: Islamic State has serious intelligence organisation
“Islamic State has a serious intelligence organisation.” This is what General Kircho Kirov, former director of the national intelligence service, said speaking for the morning programme of Radio FOCUS.In his words, these people are perfectly trained through the good internal activity of the extremist group.
“The European special services do not underestimate the actions of this organisation,” General Kirov remarked and prognosticated more terrorist attacks realised by the organisation.
“Obtaining information about the activity of these services is very hard because obtaining information about the terrorist structures is difficult in general. This is explained with their closed and encapsulated character and the slight chance of entering into it from the outside.
The serous information deficit about the activity of these services is the reason that people are left with the impression that these services do not work well enough in this direction,” the expert explained.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/270808_General+Kircho+Kirov%3A+Islamic+State+has+serious+intelligence+organisation
Публикувана на 08/07/16 07:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/270808_General+Kircho+Kirov%3A+Islamic+State+has+serious+intelligence+organisation
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