08/21/16 08:16
Prof. Vihren Buzov- Political Scientist: The candidacy of gen. Rumen Radev as Bulgaria’s president reunites BSP and ABV parties in a perishable coalition

According to him, the advantages of this application are that the general is an outsider from the political system, so he bears no liabilities from the scruffy politicians from the both parties.
"This means that he has a chance to extend his support beyond core electorate of BSP and ABV, including the vote from the patriotic citizens, the army. Some patriotic slogans can lead to this," said the expert. He added that his campaign might face are related to the fact that the general has no political experience and his opponents will take advantage from this.
„The BSP supporters would expect a more friendly course toward Russia, but the general comes from the new generation of officers with American education and will most likely emphasize its contribution to improving communication within NATO "said Prof. Buzov.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/271234_Prof.+Vihren+Buzov-+Political+Scientist%3A+The+candidacy+of+gen.+Rumen+Radev+as+Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+president+reunites+BSP+and+ABV+parties+in+a+perishable+coalition
Публикувана на 08/21/16 08:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/271234_Prof.+Vihren+Buzov-+Political+Scientist%3A+The+candidacy+of+gen.+Rumen+Radev+as+Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+president+reunites+BSP+and+ABV+parties+in+a+perishable+coalition
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