09/04/16 08:00
Bulgaria’s PM: The only thing the main opposition parties are offering us at the moment is a lack of applications from the parties themselves

„Consider how low should one party fall, if it had to search for a hardworking, honest person outside of its ranks. Anyone from the party that would come out and say here's our face” and to is not hiding behind the initiative committees. Who stands behind him? Who bears the political responsibility? It’s so convenient to be able to tell that you’ve not lost the election, that a committee was supporting someone”, Borisov told. “
Virtually anyone can take out a general, admiral, an airline pilot. For me to ride one with two hundred passengers is much more responsible tha to ride alone on a fighter jet. At least you would’ve shown some care for the passengers. The millitary pilots could pilot, but if he sees that he cannot do it he will catapult. Military pilot makes an airplane and see if that can not drive - catapult. We have seen such cases, the machine crashes, and then the state pays. That's what we have against us as a major opponent. I would not comment on his personal qualities," said Boyko Borisov. According to him, the elections are a competition of the political parties, just so they can receive subsidies from the state.
Boyko Borisov stressed that the presidential couple from the CEDB party will be brought from the people who have started, have evolved and have a successful career within the political party.
"Looking for singers, actors, military personel is verry irresponsible," he added,
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Публикувана на 09/04/16 08:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/271750_Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+PM%3A+The+only+thing+the+main+opposition+parties+are+offering+us+at+the+moment+is+a+lack+of+applications+from+the+parties+themselves
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