10/06/11 18:55
The European Commission suspends the criminal proceedings instituted against Sofia's garbage management

The European Commission suspended the criminal proceedings instituted for the improper application of EU legislation by Sofia's waste management, announced the Ministry of Environment and Water (MEW). The decision resulted from the progress achieved in the drafting of the second phase of Sofia's project. The construction of the landfill has already started and Sofia Municipality has opened the construction tender for two bio-waste composting plants. By the end of October, Brussels will receive the project proposal on the construction of a bio-mechanical treatment plant. According to an EIB analysis, the best option for the facility is to generate RDF (refuse-derived fuel) fuel, which is estimated at BGN 200 mln. The project of Sofia Municipality worth BGN 360 mln is the largest project funded under Operational Programme Environment.
The EC also terminated the proceedings for the omissions and deficiencies in the national inventory on greenhouse gas emissions reported at the beginning of 2009. The criminal proceedings were launched in May 2009. MEW, however, provided the missing data. As a result, Bulgaria's accreditation was restored in February 2011.
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Публикувана на 10/06/11 18:55 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/182905_The+European+Commission+suspends+the+criminal+proceedings+instituted+against+Sofia%27s+garbage+management+
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