02/14/11 18:40
Complaints against GSM operators continue to increase

According to him, by January 31, 2011, more than 139,377 mobile numbers and a total of 60, 337 fixed numbers had been transferred. Despite several meetings initiated by CRC in its capacity as regulator and the commitments undertaken by mobile operators, the number of complaints continues to increase. "So far, a total of 800 complaints have been submitted to CRC. In the period between September and November 2010 alone, we received more than 500 complaints. Complaints received from the end of November 2010 until the end of January 2011 were more than 300," said Bozhkov. At present, some 252 administrative-penal proceedings have been initiated and a total of 168 penal orders have been issued. On March 15, a public reception room for citizens will be opened where representative officials from CRC, the Commission for Consumer Protection (CCP) and the Commission for Personal Data Protection (CPDP) will advise customers of mobile services on specific problems.
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Публикувана на 02/14/11 18:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/159173_Complaints+against+GSM+operators+continue+to+increase+
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