03/20/11 18:11
Borissov: The military operation had to be carried out when our medics were detained

"Bulgaria condemns the attacks of the regime of Colonel Gaddafi against civilians. He has lost legitimacy and should withdraw before more innocent human blood is shed. We will definitely fulfil our obligations as a NATO ally and an EU member state," said Borissov.
Earlier in the day, he said that if the operation takes more than 90 days, Bulgaria is ready to send the Drazky frigate. NATO professionals are now determining the command and the actions, and our experts are participating in this work. The operation is planned to take 90 days," was clear Borissov. "In this situation when there is war, when this region is so turbulent, when the price of oil – the black gold - has such an impact on all other prices, and when billions are being poured in a military operation - we could expect a grim future," said the Prime Minister.
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Публикувана на 03/20/11 18:11 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/162804_Borissov%3A+The+military+operation+had+to+be+carried+out+when+our+medics+were+detained
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