02/17/11 18:46
A newly set-up committee to decide how much grants Bulgarian municipalities will refund under SAPARD

Any project which should be subject to ruled financial adjustments will be considered separately by a committee especially set up for this purpose, announced on BNT (Bulgarian National Television), the Minister of EU Funds Management, Tomislav Donchev. It is not proper, when as a result of the infringements established in the project implemented by a given municipality, for the entire population to refund penalties to the state and the EU over the next 10 or 20 years. There are cases in which the adjustment amounts to BGN 3.5 or even BGN 4 mln, which is as much as the total budget of the municipality.
The violations detected in municipal projects under SAPARD were estimated at BGN 20 mln. Should the Bulgarian authorities find the problem and impose a penalty, the funds could be used for financing other projects. If the error is detected by a supervisory authority of the EC (European Commission), Bulgaria will lose the grants.
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Публикувана на 02/17/11 18:46 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/159606_A+newly+set-up+committee+to+decide+how+much+grants+Bulgarian+municipalities+will+refund+under+SAPARD++
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