02/22/11 18:13
Prime Minister: The experts in BORKOR are from different parties in order not to conceal signals about corruption
Appearing in consecutive news conferences on Monday, Blue Coalition leaders Ivan Kostov and Martin Dimitrov stated that the appointment of Petko Sertov and Eleonora Nikolova as deputies of BORKOR’s head Rumen Milanov was a gesture to the Octopus and BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party).
“The attacks of the Blue Coalition are ridiculous. Sertov is neither our representative, nor has he consulted with us before accepting the appointment,” Mihail Mikov from BSP replied yesterday to the attack.
Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov also expressed his stance on the appointments in BORKOR. “We should not question the professional qualities of the people selected by the Prime Minister,” he said and described the new structure for combating corruption as an additional tool.
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Публикувана на 02/22/11 18:13 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/160088_Prime+Minister%3A+The+experts+in+BORKOR+are+from+different+parties+in+order+not+to+conceal+signals+about+corruption
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