05/26/11 15:08
Minister Plevneliev Gets Ahead of Prime Minister in Opinion Poll

Minister Rosen Plevneliev has got ahead of Prime Minister Boyko
Borissov in a public opinion poll conducted by the MBMD agency
and presented at the BTA National Press Club on Thursday.
Plevneliev is second in the MBMD ranking of the most liked
Bulgarian politicians, with 45 per cent approval. As in earlier
polls, European Crisis Response Commissioner Kristalina
Georgieva is ranked first with 52 per cent. The Prime Minister
comes third with 42 per cent.
The top ten also include Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov,
with 36 per cent, European Commission adviser and former
European Consumer Protection Commissioner Meglena Kuneva, 35,
President Georgi Purvanov, 34, Agriculture and Food Minister
Miroslav Naydenov, 33, Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova, 31,
Foreign Minister Nickolay Mladenov, 30, and Sports Minister
Svilen Neykov, 28.
The government's approval rating has slipped further to 32 per
cent, the agency's Mira Radeva said. Not surprisingly then, the
people who believe that the current government is performing
better than the previous one have decreased to 36 per cent in
May from 41 per cent in March. But those who find that the two
governments have performed equally well have increased to 31 per
cent from 26 per cent.
Some 30 per cent of respondents still believe that the
government will cope with the economic crisis, and 56 per cent
are of the opposite opinion.
Public confidence in the police has decreased to 36 per cent.
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church is the highest-rated institution,
with 41 per cent approval. The Presidency is rated with 30 per
cent, and Parliament with 20 per cent.
The nationwide representative poll was conducted between May 11
and 16 among 1,011 respondents.
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