04/20/11 19:25
The Prime Minister dismisses Stoyan Koushlev from his post

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov dismissed Stoyan Koushlev from his post and appointed Todor Kolarov as Chairman of the Commission for the Establishing of Property Acquired from Criminal Activity. The change was announced by the press service of the Council of Ministers and became fact nearly two months after the parliamentary Committee on Anti-Corruption, Conflict of Interests and Parliamentary Ethics announced that Koushlev was involved in a conflict of interests and had appointed his relatives in the entity managed by him. At the beginning of March, MPs detected that at the time of his appointment the former head of the Commission participated in the management board of a non-profit company and had appointed 8 of his relatives. Besides, he was receiving a salary of nearly BGN 9,000.
"I hope that some due order will be introduced into the Commission and the tripled and quadrupled salaries and bonuses will be suspended. I hope that Mr. Kolarov will achieve success and that, in the coming years, as many assets acquired in a criminal manner as possible will be seized," reckoned the PM.
When asked what ceiling will be set for wages for the "Koushlev" Commission, he replied: "The ceiling will be my salary, anything else is insolence." Pursuant to the Criminal Assets Forfeiture Act, the Commission's Chair is appointed by the PM for a 5-year term in office.
The newly-appointed Head of the Anti-Corruption Commission, who is currently acting as Legal Adviser at the U.S. Embassy in Sofia, was presented at the beginning of the session of the Council of Ministers. Besides, on Tuesday, he was also presented to the parliamentary groups of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria), "Ataka" party and MRF (Movement for Rights and Freedoms ). Borissov nominated him among 20 candidates jointly with Justice Minister, Margarita Popova and Deputy Prime Minister, Simeon Djankov. Kolarov was born on May 26, 1974 in the town of Karnobat. Since 2004, he has been acting as Legal Adviser at the U.S. Embassy, Sofia. Prior to holding this post, he was an analyst on management issues at the World Bank headquarters.
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Публикувана на 04/20/11 19:25 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/166277_The+Prime+Minister+dismisses+Stoyan+Koushlev+from+his+post
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