03/01/11 19:10
10 bids submitted for the supervision of Lot 2 of Maritsa motorway
Some 10 companies submitted offers for the supervision of the construction of Lot 2 (Dimitrovgrad - Harmanli) of the Maritsa motorway. The tenders were opened in the National Road Infrastructure Agency (NRIA), yesterday.
Bidders included the Pool European motorways, the Consortium National Transport Axes, the Ezhis Roads Bulgaria DZZD (Association under the Law on Obligations and Contracts) and Consortium PEC as well as the consortia "Maritsa 2 - HP Consult'' and Rutex LTD as well as Patinvestengineering JSC and Patkonsult 2000 LTD and the companies ''M.E.T'' and "Maritsa Consult''.
The tendency within the bidders for supervision is that the leading companies in the consortia be foreign companies. This was also the main tendency for the tender applicants for the Lot 1 construction of Maritsa motorway. The bank guarantees submitted by the participants amounted to BGN 20,000, while the penalties for failure of providing the service is 10% of the proposed price offer. There is a 40 days deadline set for the tender commission to choose a winner based on the criterion for the most economically advantageous price.
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Публикувана на 03/01/11 19:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/160966_10+bids+submitted+for+the+supervision+of+Lot+2+of+Maritsa+motorway+
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