09/26/11 17:51
Some 70% of Lot 2 of Trakia highway have already been built

The technical proposals for the selection of a contractor in charge of strengthening the soil of Lot 4 of the Trakia highway should be opened today. The contractor will be chosen after 14 days. “The construction activity should start immediately afterwards because we are pressed by the weather.”
The traffic via the Svoboda road junction at the town of Chirpan will be stopped in the next three days because the carrying layers of the road junction at the beginning of Lot 2 should be replaced.
"The facility is expected to be put into service in the first days of October," said Lazarov. He added that the payments to contractors have been made according to schedule, and that the amount of BGN 50 mln had been translated recently.
Prime Minister Boyko Borissov launched the construction of the Yana junction. The facility is intended to connect the Hemus highway and the Sofia ring road. “The amount of BGN 22 mln was spent for the expropriation of 400 decares of land areas and BGN 32 mln were allocated for the actual construction,” Borissov said. According to him, this is the third most important route in Bulgaria. The ceremony was attended by Transport Minister Ivaylo Moscovski and Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Liliana Pavlova.
The construction period is 22 months, the contractor is SK 13 Holding JSC and the financing is under Operational Programme Transport. According to data of the RIA, about 6 million cars travel between Gorni and Dolni Bogrov per year. The traffic will be redirected in one lane during the construction activities. A trestle at the exit of Sofia to the Hemus highway is planned to be built as well.
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Публикувана на 09/26/11 17:51 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/181793_Some+70%25+of+Lot+2+of+Trakia++highway+have+already+been+built
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