03/01/11 18:26
CEZ ready to approach Brussels because of a statement of Volen Siderov

"CEZ is ready to approach the European Parliament and the European Commission because of the statements of Ataka’s leader Volen Siderov, who claimed that a high level manager of the company had financed the Union of Democratic Forces (UDF)," states a company release.
The declaration comes in response to the accusation of the leader of Ataka Volen Siderov on Nova TV channel that "the money, which CEZ pumps out of the country are being remitted into the black boxes of the UDF". According Siderov, CEZ has financed the Blue coalition through Rosen Yordanov, who headed a direction within CEZ-Bulgaria and at the same time was UDF’s candidate for MP for Sofia district.
The President of Ataka accused UDF leader Martin Dimitrov that in his capacity of Chairman of the Parliamentary Economic Policy, Energy and Tourism Committee, he had hidden an audit report of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, in which CEZ was charged with pumping out money from the country in the form of consulting contracts.
"The companies of the CEZ Group in Bulgaria are in no way linked to political activities and financing of any political party in the country or abroad, including the UDF. The allegations of the leader of Ataka party are not true," was clear the media release.
"Volen Siderov is lying that UDF is financed by CEZ," said Martin Dimitrov during the regular weekly briefing of the Blue coalition.
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Публикувана на 03/01/11 18:26 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/160955_CEZ+ready+to+approach+Brussels+because+of+a+statement+of+Volen+Siderov+
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