03/06/11 19:34
Local authorities to hire private enforcement agents

Municipalities across Bulgaria have tightened control on the collection of local taxes and fees. Local authorities will be able to hire private enforcement agents and a local tax inspector will be appointed, announced bTV. Since the beginning of the year, we have collected more than BGN 400,000 in old debts in the due order, therefore this substantiates the fact that the system monitors effectively even the smallest defaulters, commented the Mayor of Razlog village, Krassimir Gerchev.
Let us remind our readers that since the beginning of this month, the payment of the new levies has begun, while their rate increased only in 16 of all 264 municipalities. After the establishment of arrears, the first invitation is addressed, then the second one, the third and finally tax audits are appointed, commented Ginka Chavdarova, Executive Director of the National Association of Municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB).
This year, in Sofia, there is no official increase in tax rates, although as a result of the completed tax pre-zoning many real estates fell into more expensive districts. Thus, around 90,000 citizens of Sofia will pay 20-45% higher local tax. In the city of Plovdiv, tax rates also did not go up. Let us remind our readers that, as of this year, a hut tax was already imposed on all rural buildings having tax assessments under BGN 1,680. NAMRB representatives commented that from each BGN 100 of taxes paid by every citizen, barely BGN 2.90 are infused into the local municipal budget, while the rest is collected by the state in the form of direct taxes and excise duties.
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Публикувана на 03/06/11 19:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/161227_Local+authorities+to+hire+private+enforcement+agents
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